Category: San Francisco

How to hire a professional fundraising auctioneer… What should I ask when determining which auctioneer to hire?

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR AUCTIONEER’S ADVICE WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING MONEY AT YOUR EVENT! Hiring a professional auctioneer for your charity, benefit or fundraising event is an essential element to maximizing your organization’s profit. Here are some questions that can be asked to determine whether or not the auctioneer is reputable… 1.  […]

What You and Your Board Should Consider when Having a Fundraising Auction

I.              Evaluation a.    What do you hope to accomplish with a fundraising auction?                                           i.    Thank donors and volunteers                                         ii.    Raise needed funds                                        iii.    Increase donor base                                        iv.    Increase volunteer base                                         v.    Increase community awareness for your cause b.    Does your organization have the necessary resources?                                           i.    Start-up capital                                         […]

A little more about Elite Auctions & Fundraising Services

Elite Auctions and Fundraising Services serves as the premier fundraising auctioneer and consultant in the Southern California, Northern California and Central California areas.  We focus on areas like Bakersfield, Los Angeles (LA), Riverside, Orange County (New Port, Anaheim, Laguna Beach, etc.), San Diego (Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Rancho Sante Fe, etc.).  We also serve Northern California […]