Category: auctioneer

Giving in 2015 and involving Millennials

I recently attended a presentation sponsored by the Giving USA FOUNDATION entitled “The  Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2015”. We were informed that 2015 was a year of steady and strong giving, explaining that the total contributions for 2015 where $373 .25 billion.  88% of the total contributions came from individuals, bequests, and […]

The Ultimate Fundraising Auctioneer

Check out this new “movie trailer” video showcasing Elite Auctions and Fundraising Services.  We are so proud to be in this exciting business and LOVE our nonprofits and schools for the good they bring into each community we serve.  If you need a professional benefit auctioneer and consultant we would be honored if you considered […]

What Should Your Nonprofit Organization be doing in the “Off-Season”?

We all know that the Fall fundraising season just came to a close and everyone is in holiday mode now.  All I can say is DO NOT wait to start planning, procuring and cultivating your donor list until the last 2 months prior to your next benefit auction event!  Here are three simple things you […]

How to Raise More Money from Your Donation Web Pages

When it comes to raising money from your donation pages I think every bit of advice can help.  Here are some suggestions from the blog of John Haydon’s: “19 Ways to Raise More Money From Your Donation Pages.” This should get your donation page on track: Ditch the vintage PayPal button Write a powerful headline […]

Motivational Speakers at Your Fundraising Auction Event

Condoleezza Rice speaks at the Solutions for Change Auction There are two very important segments of the event that a good motivational speaker is needed… before the live auction and before the fund-a-need.  The speaker prior to the start of the live auction should be someone that can somewhat educate the crowd about the cause […]

Signs Your Organization might be ready for Benefit Auction Software

Imagine an event night with seamless transactions and automation systems that track bid packages, bids, and donor activity. Many nonprofit organizations are managing their single largest fundraising event on Access or Excel spreadsheets. This can create certain challenges like version control if there are a number of people managing the events details.  It might be […]

How important are recorders for your live auction and fund a need?

One of the most important jobs at a fundraising auction event are the recorders.  These are the people that are logging in the winning bid amounts and donation amounts from the live auction and fund a need.  They will also be the people running the recorder sheets to the check out personnel.  Sounds simple right?  […]

How Important is Audio/Visual at a Fundraising Auction Event?

Having great, not good, not okay, but great sound is imperative to your fundraising auction event’s success.  Here are some tips regarding audio/visual at your fundraising event: Never use the in-ceiling house system. Always surround the room with speakers (Don’t leave out the attendees in the back).  Always have screens with auction items displayed during […]

How to hire a professional fundraising auctioneer… What should I ask when determining which auctioneer to hire?

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR AUCTIONEER’S ADVICE WHEN IT COMES TO MAKING MONEY AT YOUR EVENT! Hiring a professional auctioneer for your charity, benefit or fundraising event is an essential element to maximizing your organization’s profit. Here are some questions that can be asked to determine whether or not the auctioneer is reputable… 1.  […]